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Justin DeSantis, CFP® Thumbnail

Justin DeSantis, CFP®


Justin joined Boston 128 Companies in 2020.  As the Director of Financial Planning, he brings more than fourteen years of financial services industry experience and extensive knowledge to the team.  Justin is involved in every aspect of the financial planning process from the creation of new financial plans to the monitoring of existing plans, in order to make sure client goals and objectives are reflected.

Justin earned his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation in August of 2024. He is a graduate of Boston University and holds Series 7, 66 and 24 securities registrations as well as a life insurance license in the state of Massachusetts. Justin is registered in an administrative capacity with Ameritas Investment Company, LLC (AIC), Member FINRA/SIPC, and Ameritas Advisory Services (AAS). Before joining Boston 128 Companies, Justin spent ten years at New York Life.  He initially served as a case analyst and management trainee, and then transitioned to the role of Operations Manager. 

Justin lives in Ashland, MA with his wife, Cori, and their two sons, Nicholas and Harrison. In his free time, Justin enjoys visiting the beach, playing golf, and refereeing college hockey.

“Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Center for Financial Planning, Inc. owns and licenses the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the United States to Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc., which authorizes individuals who successfully complete the organization’s initial and ongoing certification requirements to use the certification marks.”